How You Can Choose the Right Dental Implant Specialist Banner
How You Can Choose the Right Dental Implant Specialist Banner

Whether you’ve lost one or more of your teeth because of an injury or periodontal disease, you’ve decided it’s time to restore your smile as well as your self-confidence. You do know that you don’t want to wear dentures instead decided you want dental implants. The question you have is: what kind of specialist should you choose for your dental implant procedure?

The main factors you need to consider, when you are looking for a dental implant specialist, include the following:

Education and training

Does your dental specialist have the necessary training and credentials to provide you with dental implant services? Have they completed postgraduate studies in dental implant procedures? Have they stayed up-to-date on the latest trends, processes, designs, and technical advancements that occur in the field of dentistry? This is a question you can bring up during your consultation as well as checking their biography on their website. You want to choose a specialist who is accredited by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) to ensure that they meet certain standards and are qualified. 


You want to make sure that the specialist you choose has successfully performed many dental implant procedures on their patients and has a good track record on the procedure. And, because dental implants are a surgical procedure you want to ensure that the doctor is experienced with surgery. 


A Good Success Rate and Positive Reviews

Do the before-and-after photos of their patients on either their website, social media pages, or available in their office? What about their patient’s reviews of their procedure? Look at the reviews realistically knowing that there may be a mix of positive and negative reviews and that anyone can post a fake review. If you find more positive reviews than negative reviews pay attention to what the patients with positive reviews have to say about their dentist.


A Location That is Convenient for You

The dental implant procedure typically requires many visits to your implant specialist. These visits include your initial consultation, dental surgery, the design and placement of your implant restoration, and several follow-up appointments. Make sure that the office location is not difficult to get to.    

Affordable Financing Options

Dental implants are an investment. They are an investment in you and your health. They are not inexpensive but when it comes to cost, a lower cost does not necessarily mean better value. Your dental implant specialist should be able to provide you with competitive rates and a flexible payment plan so that your dental implant procedure is affordable.

Deciding to get dental implants can significantly change your life for the better. Choose a dental specialist who will take the time to personalize the experience for you. Clock Tower Dental specializes in dental implants and will provide you with a free consultation at their Franklin Square office. Click here to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists or you can call their Long Island dental office at 516-874-2317.