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    Michael F Kelley, DDS and Ramin Rayhan, DDS
    Michael F Kelley, DDS and Ramin Rayhan, DDS

    Components of Dental Implant

    What Is a Dental Implant?

    An implant is a small post or screw placed into your jawbone during a surgical procedure. There are three main components to an implant, which are described below.

    1. Implant Screw

    The implant screw or post replicates a tooth root. It is inserted precisely into your jawbone during oral surgery.

    1. Implant Abutment

    An implant abutment is attached to the implant screw, so it protrudes above your gums. Its purpose is to support your new implant restoration. Numerous implant abutments are available, depending on the type of restoration needed.

    1. Implant Restoration

    Your implant restoration artificially replaces the missing tooth. Dental implant restorations can be implant crowns, bridges, or dentures.

    See Before & After Results

    See more photos of dental implants before and after

    Understanding the Different Implant Treatments Available

    Your dental implant treatment will be customized to fit your needs, depending on whether you need one tooth or every tooth replaced. A brief description of the implant treatments available is below.

    Single Dental Implants

    When only a single tooth is missing, we can easily replace it with just one implant that will be restored with an implant crown. The implant crown is fixed permanently over the abutment and is non-removable.

    Dental Implant Bridge

    Dental bridges are an excellent way to replace teeth that were originally adjacent to each other. An implant bridge uses two or more dental implants to secure a non-removable bridge of teeth.

    Dental Implant Denture

    Implant-retained dentures are removable but are far more secure than an ordinary traditional denture that rests on your gums. Instead, the denture clips firmly onto implants, but you can snap it out for easy cleaning and maintenance.

    All-on Four

    All-on-Four is an advanced technique for restoring a complete arch of teeth. Usually, this treatment would require multiple dental implants, but All-on-Four requires just four dental implants for support. Depending on the restoration selected, treatment can secure a complete arch of non-removable or removable teeth.

    Mini Dental Implants

    A mini dental implant is much narrower than a normal implant. It is suitable for restoring teeth where space is tight, such as small lower incisors. We may also recommend mini dental implants to secure dentures.

    What are Dental Implants Made from?

    Most dental implant screws and abutments are made from medical-grade titanium, an extremely biocompatible material. However, some are made from zirconia, a strong, durable ceramic material that is also highly biocompatible.

    Titanium Implants vs Zirconium Implants

    Who Can Have Dental Implants?

    Dental implant treatment is suitable for most people, but you will need a full consultation with our dental implantologist. Our dentists, Dr. Michael Kelley, Dr. Ramin Rayhan, and Dr. Richard Nejat, are skilled in planning and placing dental implants, so no matter who you see, you are in good hands.

    We assess every person considering dental implants carefully, and some of the factors we consider include:

    Overall Health

    Your medical history is important, so we will want to review any medications you use or discuss any existing conditions. These could affect dental implant treatment. You need good general health so you can heal properly after oral surgery.

    Conditions that could affect treatment include uncontrolled diabetes. If you have well-controlled diabetes, then you are likely a candidate for dental implants. Smoking is an issue that can negatively impact dental implant treatment as it makes it harder to heal.

    Dental Health

    We need to ensure that you do not have any dental issues that could affect treatment, like untreated gum disease, tooth decay, or other infections. Any dental problems must be treated first before you can have implant treatment.

    Jawbone Health

    Your jawbone health is especially important. We assess it by taking a cone beam CT scan that shows us the quantity and quality of bone suitable for implants. If you don’t have sufficient jawbone, we can always replace it through bone grafting.

    Oral Hygiene

    You need to commit to following a good oral hygiene routine for dental implants to be a long-term success. If you fail to look after them properly, your jawbone and gum around the implants may become infected, and there is a risk that your treatment will fail.

    We have a great hygiene team here at Clock Tower Dental, so we can work with you to ensure you know how to look after your mouth after implant treatment. Looking after dental implants isn’t tricky, but it must be part of your daily routine.


    Generally, you wouldn’t be eligible for dental implants before age 18 because your jawbone is still developing. Being older isn’t a problem; we are much more concerned about your overall health. Dental implant treatment has helped many older people successfully navigate tooth loss.


    Rosanne’s Life-Changing Experience with Dental Implants

    Understanding the Dental Implant Procedure

    Dental Implant ProcedureEvery implant procedure is different because your oral health is unique. However, there are several steps involved, which are described below.

    1. Initial Consultation

    Your initial consultation allows us to assess your oral and medical health and discuss whether implants will suit your needs. It’s your opportunity to ask questions and discover more about this treatment.

    1. Diagnostics

    We plan and place dental implants using computer-guided implant surgery. Computer-guided surgery is essential because it ensures your treatment is quicker, smoother, much more comfortable, and far more accurate. Afterward, healing is faster, with fewer side effects and less discomfort.

    This technique requires detailed diagnostics, including digital dental X-rays and a cone beam CT scan. We may also wish to take digital photos and dental impressions of your mouth.

    1. Treatment Planning

    Treatment planning takes place behind the scenes, so once we have your diagnostic information, we can assess where to insert each dental implant. Our dental implant dentists can manipulate the digital diagnostic information so that we can ensure every implant is inserted at the correct angle and depth. We also ensure that your implant teeth function properly and look good once restored.

    When your treatment plan is complete, a surgical stent is computer-generated. We use this surgical stent during your implant surgery.

    1. Implant Surgery

    We ensure you feel as comfortable as possible during dental implant surgery, using a local anesthetic to numb your gums. We can also provide sedation dentistry to help you relax. It can be extremely useful if you require longer or more complex implant treatment.

    Once you are ready, the surgical stent is placed over your gums and guides our dentist during your treatment. It ensures only minimal incisions are needed into your gums for the implants to be placed precisely. After fitting your implants, we can provide a temporary restoration while your implants heal.

    1. Healing

    After your surgery, we will provide clear instructions on how to care for your mouth, and we are always available if you have any questions or concerns.

    During healing, a process called Osseointegration must occur, which can take several months to complete. During Osseointegration, your jawbone forms new bone cells around the implant posts, anchoring them firmly in place so they are strong enough to support your new implant teeth.

    1. Making Your New Implant Teeth

    When Osseointegration is complete, you return to our dental office so we can take new digital dental impressions of your implants. These are used to create new implant teeth, replacing temporary restorations. It may take two weeks or longer to make your new implant teeth.

    1. Fitting Your New Implant Teeth

    The final stage is to fit your new implant teeth in place and to ensure you know exactly how to care for them so they remain strong and free from infection.

    What Are the Benefits of Implant Treatment?

    Benefits of Dental Implants

    Dental implant treatment can provide significant benefits, including:

    A Long-Lasting Solution

    Dental implants are durable and should last for years, provided you care for them properly. They can be a great investment in your long-term oral health.

    Excellent Functionality

    Dental implant teeth restore your ability to bite and chew food properly. Fixed implant restorations like crowns and bridges will give you a biting strength similar to real teeth. Implant dentures provide a much greater biting strength compared with an ordinary denture.

    Natural Looking Teeth

    We custom design every dental implant restoration, ensuring it supports your cheeks and lips correctly and looks and feels natural. We use advanced materials that closely replicate the appearance of real teeth, including the very latest ceramics.

    Protecting Your Jawbone

    After you lose teeth, your jawbone quickly resorbs without the stimulation of real tooth roots. Dental implants are the only treatment that restores this stimulation, preventing bone resorption around them.

    Preventing jawbone loss is important because when it occurs, it can change your facial appearance and destabilize any remaining natural teeth.

    Is Dental Implant Treatment Safe?

    Dental implants have been widely used for decades and extensively studied for safety and longevity. However, there is always a small risk with any oral surgery, but we take every precaution to minimize these risks.

    All oral surgery is carried out using strict infection control standards, and we only use high-quality implant components.

    Risks can include:

    1. Dental implant failure. Implant failure is rare, but it can occur if your dental implants fail to integrate with your jawbone or if they are loaded improperly too soon after placement. Another potential risk is teeth grinding and clenching, so if you have this issue, we must treat it first.
    2. Nerve damage. Improperly placed implants can cause nerve damage that may be temporary or permanent. Computer-guided surgery ensures that our implants are placed precisely, avoiding all nerves and other important structures.
    3. Implant infection. Dental implants can become infected soon after surgery or years later. Ensuring you look after your implants properly and have regular dental checkups and hygiene appointments minimizes this risk.

    Is Implant Treatment Painful?

    You shouldn’t feel any pain during implant surgery, but as the anesthetic wears off, you may have some minor discomfort. Usually, it is controllable with over-the-counter pain relief, or we can provide a prescription.
    Pain Scale Level With Dental Implants
    If you only need a single dental implant, having minimal or no discomfort afterward is not unusual.

    How Much Will Treatment Cost?

    After your initial consultation, we can provide you with a clear and easy-to-understand estimate. Your dental implant cost depends on the number of teeth needed, the type of restoration, and whether you require any other treatments like bone grafting.

    Some very affordable dental implant solutions are available, especially for entire arches of teeth, like implant dentures.

    Does Dental Insurance cover Dental Implants?

    If you have a good dental insurance plan, it may cover parts of your treatment. However, some insurance companies still regard dental implants as being cosmetic. You may wish to contact your insurance provider or ask us for information.

    Do You Have Failing or Missing Teeth? Learn More about Dental Implants

    If you are interested in dental implant treatment and want to learn how it could help you, contact us to schedule your initial consultation. We can discuss possible solutions, answer your questions, and help you decide if you wish to proceed. Explore our wide range of services designed to restore your smile and improve your oral health.

    Clock Tower Dental
    110 New Hyde Park Rd
    Franklin Square, New York 11010

    Updated on Feb 6, 2025 by Clock Tower Dental